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LINHD is UNED’s research center on digital humanities that works as a hub for innovation, consultancy and training to support researchers and projects in Spain and Spanish speaking countries.

At the moment, the research regarding digital humanities faces several challenges:

  • Researchers don’t have access to suitable infrastructures at their workplace or research centers in order to develop new technological projects.
  • Humanists have few opportunities to get specific technical training that can be applied in their field of work and knowledge is generally acquired through self-learning.
  • The current organisation of universities and research centres hinders the creation of interdisciplinary, hybrid teams that encourage the collaboration between technicians and humanists and the achievement of real interactions between both fields.
  • Most of the time, the teams of humanists contract necessary IT services from a company or external technician that have no knowledge of the research topic, which also leads to paying an exaggerated amount of money just because of this lack of understanding of both fields.
  • There is no interaction between the different research teams on digital humanities. They do not share information about the tools they use, hence, small-scale interoperability protocols are scarce.



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LINHD mission is to redefine the way of working in digital humanities by promoting innovation and technology in the environment of the new information society.

LINHD aims to offer a new approach to research by making it collaborative, team-centered, interdisciplinary, boundless, and non-hierarchical.

The approach is grounded on innovation and exchange of ideas as sources of progress, using a flexible system that can adapt in response to the needs of the moment and specific user requirements.

LINHD offers responses to the growing needs resulting from the new ways of transferring knowledge.To this end, LINHD proposes various solutions for the development of research projects and infrastructures in a timely and personalised manner, both for researchers and professors who wish to be trained in the field of digital humanities.

Also, LINHD commits to support companies, institutions or organizations which need to adapt to change and the application of new technologies in digital humanities, ranging from the systems traditionally used in libraries or in computer science to the newest technologies of visualization and semantic web.



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Information and training

LINHD is, primarily, a linking point where information about Digital Humanities is managed and collected in order to:

  • Gather and organize information about projects, tools, researchers, and publications on Digital Humanities not only in Spain but all over the world.
  • Create an infrastructure to manage Digital Humanities data, through which digital resources, tools and projects are stored on the same platform, enabling unified access to information in such a way that it can be shared and reused.
  • Establish a work methodology and a protocol in Digital Humanities to be implemented on existing projects carried out both at UNED and other universities, as well as to create new interoperable projects, thus increasing their impact on humanities and achieving international recognition at institutional and academic level.
  • Become a reference point and a bridge for sharing and spreading information concerning Digital Humanities in the scientific community.
  • Train researchers, students and professionals who work at GLAM institutions (libraries, archives, museums), in order to provide them with adequate competences to carry out Digital Humanities projects, together with the knowledge of the field needed for setting up new projects and developing further their knowledge.


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LINHD is a laboratory for virtual innovation, located at UNED and serving as a hub for infrastructures and tools on digital humanities, that aims to:

  • Carry out specific interdisciplinary research using teams and technicians familiar in this field, in order to design and create new technological tools applicable to humanities.
  • Work to develop a wide range of  highly specialized tools and projects on Digital Humanities, which can also be used to connect to other alternative services offered by European or Hispanic-American institutions .
  • Become a virtual laboratory which integrates data repositories on Humanities and centralizes workflows by means of a number of tools to handle, analyze and share data, thanks to a VIRTUAL RESEARCH ENVIRONMENT whose contents will be gradually increased.
  • Work as an information and training center that manages training programmes and uses dedicated staff to study training needs.
  • Support and collaborate with important digital humanities projects that offer the center new development opportunities.



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Consultancy and technological services

LINDH is a research center on Digital Humanities at UNED that works as a hub for innovation, consultancy and training for researchers and projects in Spanish:

  • Centralize and offer consultancy and guidance services for researchers who want to work on digital projects.
  • Improve and assist existing projects in respect of the implementation of their technological aspects.
  • Supervise the use of existing global standards on Digital Humanities and promote the establishment of standards in the Spanish projects practices.
  • Offer different kind of technological services such as web hosting, maintenance, dissemination and preservation for digital humanities projects, as well as promote open access and code publication so that it can be reused on other projects, thanks to platforms like GitHub.
  • Offer paid computer services for conducting research projects to researchers wishing to rely on the technicians of the laboratory for the entire development and implementation phases.
  • Design training programs tailored to customer needs, either university or scientific, as well as institutional (eg. digital databases training for librarians) or businesses, using face-to-face, on-line and distance learning under different degrees of training: non-degree programs (training schools, monographic seminars, summer schools) , or official studies such as postgraduate courses, MA and other degrees).



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